The Words | 20. Word - Second Station | 267

These indicate that Almighty God gave to David's (PUH) praises and glorifications such strength and a sound so loud and agreeable they brought the mountains to ecstasy, which, each like a huge gramophone or a man, formed a circle on the horizon around the chief reciter, reciting also the glorifications. Is this possible, I wonder? Is it the truth?

Yes, it is the truth. Every mountain with caves can speak with man in man's language like a parrot. By means of an echo. You say: "All praise be to God!" to the mountain before you, and the mountain will declare: "All praise be to God!", exactly the same as you. Since Almighty God has given this ability to mountains, it can surely be made to develop, and that seed made to sprout.

Thus, since He gave to David (PUH) the vicegerency of the earth together with his Messengership in exceptional form, He so made the seed of that ability unfold —as a miracle— worthy of his extensive Messengership and magnificent rule that huge mountains followed him like soldiers, students, or followers, and at his command and in his tongue declared the praises and glorifications of the All-Glorious Creator. Whatever David (PUH) said, they repeated. Now at the present time, because the means of communication have multiplied and developed, a powerful commander could compel his large army dispersed in the mountains to declare: "God is Most Great!", and could make the mountains speak, bringing them to tumult. Since a commander of men can make the mountains speak metaphorically in the tongue of those present in the mountains, surely a magnificent commander of Almighty God culd make them speak actually, and recite His praises. In addition, I have explained in previous Words that all mountains have a collective personality or corporate identity, and offer glorifications and worship in a way suitable to each. That is to say, just as through the mystery of echo all mountains recite glorifications in the tongue of men, so too they glorify the All-Glorious Creator in their own particular tongues.

Also, the verses,

And the birds gathered [in assemblies]',30 * We have been taught the

speech of birds31

show that Almighty God bestowed on David and Solomon (Peace be upon them) knowledge of the tongues of the bird species, and of the tongues of their innate capacities; that is, of the things for which they would be useful. Yes, since it is the truth and since the face of the earth is a laden table set up by the Most Merciful in honour of man, most of the other animals and birds who benefit from it may be subjugated to man and serve him. Man employs some of the smallest of them, the honey-bee and silk-worm, and through Divine inspiration has opened up a beneficial highway, and by employing pigeons in various tasks and teaching birds like parrots to speak, he has added fine things to the virtues of human civilization. In the same way, if the tongues of innate capacities of other birds and animals were known, there are many species which could be employed in important tasks like their brothers, the domesticated animals. For example, against plagues of locusts: if the tongue of starlings was known, who eat and destroy locusts, and their movements could be regulated, what valuable services they could be employed in free of charge.


30.       Qur'an, 38:19.

31.       Qur'an, 27:16.

No Voice