The Words | 25. Word | 393

And for example, in Sura, Qaf. By the Glorious Qur'an33 it proves resurrection in such a brilliant, fine, sweet, and exalted manner that it convinces as certainly as the coming of spring. Look: in answer to the unbelievers denying the raising to life of decomposed bones and saying: "This is extraordinary; it could not be!", it decrees:

Do they not look to the skies above them; how we have made them and adorned them and how there is no flaw in them.... until: ... and thus will be the Resurrection 34

 Its manner of exposition flows like water and shines like the stars. It gives both pleasure and delight to the heart like dates. And it is sustenance.

And in one of the most subtle examples of the category of demonstration, it says:

Ya. Sin* By the All-Wise Qur'an * Indeed you are one of the Messengers?35

That is, "I swear by the Wise Qur'an that you are one of the Divine Messengers." This oath indicates that the proof of Messengership is so certain and true, and its veracity is so worthy of honour and respect, that it is sworn by. By indicating this, it is saying: "You are the Messenger, for you hold the Qur'an in your hand, and the Qur'an is the truth and it is the word of Truth. For it contains true wisdom, and bears the seal of miraculousness."

And one of the concise and miraculous examples of the category of proof and demonstration is this:

He says: Who will raise to life these bones when they are rotted? * Say: He will raise them Who created them in the first instance, for He has full knowledge of every kind of creation?36 

That is, man asks: "Who will resurrect decayed bones?" You say: "Whoever made them in the first place and gave them life, He will resurrect them." As was depicted in the third comparison of the Ninth Truth in the Tenth Word, if someone reassembles a large army in one day before your eyes, and someone else says: "At a bugle-call that person brought together the members of a battalion who had dispersed to rest; he is able to bring the battalion under order," and you say, O man: "I do not believe it," you can see what a foolish denial it would be.

In just the same way, the All-Powerful and All-Knowing One enrolls and unites anew with the command of "Be!" and it is, and with perfect order and the balance of wisdom, the particles and subtle faculties of the battalion-like bodies of all the animals —which are like an army— and other living creatures, and creates every century, and every spring even, all the hundreds of thousands of army-like species of living creatures on the face of the earth. Can it be questioned then how He can gather together at one blast of Israfil's trumpet the fundamental parts and particles of a battalion-like body, which are already familiar with one another, through taking them under order? Can it be considered unlikely? If it is considered unlikely, it is a mindless foolishness.

34. Qur'an, 50:6-11.
35. Qur'an, 36:1-3.
36. Qur'an, 36:78-79.

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