The Words | 25. Word | 428


This concerns the miraculous qualities in the Qur'an's unique style in the summaries and Most Beautiful Divine Names, which it shows at the ends of its verses.

Reminder: There are many verses in this Second Beam. These are not only examples for the Second Beam, but for all the preceding examples and Rays. It would be extremely lengthy to explain them all giving them their due, so for now I am compelled to be brief and succinct. I have therefore indicated very concisely all the verses which form examples of this mighty mystery of miraculousness, and have postponed detailed explanation of them to another time.

Thus, the Qur'an of Miraculous Exposition mostly mentions summaries at the conclusion of its verses which either contain the Divine Names or their meanings; or refer the verse to the reason in order to urge it ponder over it; or they comprise a universal rule from among the aims of the Qur'an in order to corroborate and strengthen the verse. Thus, in the summaries are certain indications from the Qur'an's exalted wisdom and certain droplets from the water of life of Divine guidance, and certain sparks from the lightning of the Qur'an's miraculousness. Now I shall mention briefly only ten of those numerous indications, and point out a concise meaning of only one of numerous truths, which are all one example out of many. Most of these ten indications are found together in compact form in most verses and form a true embroidery of miraculousness. Furthermore, most of the verses we give as examples are examples of most of the indications. We shall point out only one indication for each verse, and shall just point lightly to the meanings of those verses given as examples in the preceding Words.

 FIRST QUALITY OF ELOQUENCE: With its miraculous exposition, the All-Wise Qur'an lays out, spreads out before the eyes, the acts and works of the All-Glorious Maker. Then it extracts the Divine Names from those works and acts, or it proves the basic aims of the Qur'an like the resurrection of the dead and Divine unity. An example of the first meaning is this:

He it is Who has created for you all things that are on the earth, then He turned His will to the heavens and ordered them as the seven heavens, for He has knowledge of all things."119 

And an example of the second part:

Have We not made the earth as a resting place * And the mountains as pegs? * And [have We not] created you in pairs? * .... until, Verily the Day of Sorting Out is a thing appointed120

119.Qur'an 2:29
120.Qur'an 78:6-17

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