The Words | 30. Word - Second Aim | 581

For example, in all kinds of eggs and sperm, and varieties of seeds and grains, matter acquires different ranks and lights according to the commands that bring things into existence, which are all written differently by Divine Determining. The inanimate matter of seeds, which is all the same in regard to its substance,28 becomes the source of innumerable different beings. It obtains ranks and lights which are all different. Most certainly, then, it is the requirement of an all-encompassing knowledge that if a particle has been repeatedly in the service of life and of the dominical glorifications that are in life, the wisdom of those meanings will be recorded on the immaterial forehead of the particle by the pen of Divine Determining, which neglects nothing at all. And in this, the tip of a truly mighty 'Law of All-Encompassing Knowledge' is apparent.

Since this is the case, particles are not without purpose.29

in SHORT: Beyond the visible tips of each of the seven above-mentioned laws, that is, the 'Law of Dominicality', the 'Law of Generosity', the 'Law of Beauty', the 'Law of Mercy', the 'Law of Wisdom', the 'Law of Justice', and the 'Law of All-Encompassing Knowledge', and of a great many other vast laws, a Greatest Name and the greatest manifestation of that Greatest Name is pointed to. It may be understood from that manifestation that, like the rest of the creatures, the transformations of particles in this world are occurring with a sensitive balance measured with knowledge, according to the commands given by Divine power that bring things into existence, on the limits drawn by Divine Determining, for most exalted instances of wisdom. Simply, they are being prepared to go to another higher world.30 In which case, the bodies of animate beings are each like schools, barracks, and guest-houses for the instruction of those travelling particles. It may be stated with certainty that it is so.


28. Indeed, the seeds are all compounds of the four elements; they are formed of matter like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. Materially they may be considered to be the same; the difference between them lies only in the immaterial writing of Divine Determining.
29. This sentence is the answer to the word 'since' at the beginning of the preceding seven paragraphs.
30. For, as may be observed, the light of life is kindled and scattered most freely in this turbid and lowly world with an activity that is extremely extensive, and a fresh light of life is illuminated widely, even in insignificant material and rotten substances, and that dense and insignificant matter is refined and polished with the light of life. This indicates clearly that this turbid and lifeless world is being dissolved, polished and made beautiful through the motion of particles and the light of life for the sake of another most subtle, exalted, pure and living world. It is as if it is being adorned in order to go to some subtle world. If those people, therefore, whose minds are so straitened that they cannot squeeze into them the idea of bodily resurrection look with the light of the Qur'an, they will see a 'Law of the Self-Subsistent One through which the universe subsists' that is so comprehensive as to resurrect all particles as though they were an army. It may be clearly seen to be in force and prevailing over creation.

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