The Words | GLEAMS | 734

Innate Disposition Speaks the Truth

The innate disposition of things does not lie, whatever it says is the truth. The inclination to grow, the tongue of the seed, says: "I shall sprout and produce fruit..", and what it says is proved true.

The desire for life murmurs in the depths of the egg: "With Divine permission I shall be a chick." What it says is true.

If a handful of water intends to freeze inside an iron cannon-ball, when the temperature falls

The desire to expand within it says: "Expand! I need more space." This command cannot be gainsaid.

Strong iron strives, but cannot prove it wrong; the water's truthfulness and honesty split the iron.

All these inclinations are creational commands, Divine decrees. They are all natural laws, all manifestations of will.

Divine will directs all beings, in this way: all inclinations are a conforming to the dominical commands.

The manifestation in the conscience is the same; attraction and ecstasy are two polished souls,

Two burnished mirrors, within which are reflected Sempiternal Beauty, and the light of belief.

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Prophethood Is Essential For Mankind

Divine power does not leave the ant without leader, or bees without a queen;

It surely would not leave mankind without prophet or code of laws. In any

case, the order of the world demands this.

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The Ascension Was for the Angels What the Splitting of the Moon Was for Mankind

In truth, as a wonder, the angels saw an Ascension, a supreme sainthood within incontestable prophethood.

That shining Being mounted Buraq, became as lightning, and like the mansions of the moon observed the World of Light.

Just as for mankind scattered through this Manifest World, And the Moon split10 was an important miracle in the corporeal realm;

So for the dwellers in the Spirit World, the Ascension, that is, Glory he to Him Who conveyed,11 was the greatest miracle.

10. Qur'an, 54:1.
11 • Qur'an, 17:1

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