The Words | GLEAMS | 752

Don't Overdo It In Things You Like

The cure for one ailment merely exacerbates another; the antidote becomes poison. If the cure is taken to excess, it is the cause of ill, and is fatal.

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The Eye of Obstinacy Supposes an Angel To Be Satan

Obstinacy is this: if Satan helps someone, he calls him "an angel" and calls down blessings on him.

But if he sees an angel on the opposing side, he supposes it to be Satan in a different guise, and calls down curses on the angel.

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After Finding What's Right, Don't Cause Dispute for the Sake of Something Better

O seeker after truth! If there is consensus concerning what is right and dispute concerning what is better, sometimes what is right is better than what is better. And sometimes what is good is better than what is better.

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Islam Is Peace and Reconciliation, It Wants No Dispute or Hostility Within

O World of Islam! Your life lies in unity, and if you want unity, your guiding principle should be this:

It should be "This is true," rather than "This alone is true." And "This is the best," rather than "This is the only good way."

All Muslims should say about his own school and way: "This is true, I don't interfere with others. If others are good, mine is the best."

They should not say: "This is the only true way, the others are all false. Only mine is good, the others are all wrong and unpleasant."

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