The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 107

he intended. The recompense for illicit love, like love for Europe, is the cruel enmity of the beloved.

45. The past and calamities should be considered with regard to Divine Determining, while the future and sins from the point of view of responsibility before God. The Jabariyya and Mu‘tazila are reconciled on this point.

46. Impotence should not be resorted to in things for which a solution may be found, while for things for which there is no solution, punishment should not be resorted to.

47. The wounds of life may be healed. But Islamic pride and honour, and national pride, their wounds are extremely deep.

48. It sometimes happens that a single word causes an army to perish, and one bullet leads to the annihilation of thirty million.(27) Some conditions are such that a small act raises man to the highest of the high, while others are such that a small action reduces him to the lowest of the low.

49. One grain of truth consumes a stack of lies. One grain of reality is superior to a stack of illusions. Everything you say should be true, but it is not right to say everything true.

50. A person who sees the good in things has good thoughts. And he who has good thoughts receives pleasure from life.

(27) A single bullet fired by a Serbian soldier at the Austrian Crown-Prince set off the Great War, and was the cause of thirty million souls being lost.

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