The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 113

83. So long as it remains unknown who are the saints among men, which moment prayers are accepted on Fridays, which night in Ramadan is the Night of Power, and which among the Divine Names is the Greatest Name, other things retain their value and importance is given to them. Twenty years of doubtful life is preferable to a thousand years’ life the end of which is specified.

84. The consequence of sin in this world is evidence for its punishment in the hereafter.

85. In the view of Power, sustenance is as important as life. Power brings into existence, Divine Determining clothes in form, Divine favour nurtures. Life is a summary, a specified product and is apparent. Sustenance is not a summary; it is gradual and widespread, and causes thought. There is no death from hunger, for death occurs before the food stored up in the body in the form of fat is exhausted. That is to say, illness resulting from the giving up of habit kills, not lack of sustenance.

86. The licit sustenance of carniverous wild animals are the innumerable remains of dead animals; they both cleanse the face of the earth, and they find their food.

87. Before entering the mouth and disappearing down the throat, a mouthful worth one kurush and one worth ten are the same. There is only a few seconds’ difference in the mouth. To raise the price from one to ten in order to gratify and please the sense of taste, which is like an inspector and door-keeper, is most prodigal and wasteful.

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