The Damascus Sermon | The Damascus Sermon | 99
Second Addendum
First Part
Seeds of Reality

[This consists of aphorisms taken from a collection published thirtyfive years ago called Seeds of Reality]

In the Name of God, the Merciful,the Compassionate.

All praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, and on all his Family and Companions.

1. The prescription for a sick age, an ailing nation, an ill member, is to follow the Qur’an.

2. The prescription for a glorious though unfortunate continent, an illustrious though hapless state, a noble though ownerless people, is Islamic Unity.

3. One who does not have the strength to raise and turn the earth and all the stars and suns as though they were beads of a tesbih cannot lay claim to creating anything in the universe. For everything is tied to everything else.

4. The raising to life of all animate beings at the resurrection of the dead can be no more difficult for Divine Power than restoring to life a fly in the spring, heavy with the deathstained sleep of winter. For PreEternal Power is essential; it does not change;

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