The Spirit And The Angels | THE TWENTY NINTH WORD | 36

level of perfect belief, while here, we shall discuss them in the manner of the Old Said’s explanations in his treatise called Nokta (The Point), which convince and silence the reason only.

There are matters which necessitate eternal happiness. A decisive argument pointing to those matters consists of a supposition filtered through Ten Sources and Central Points.

FIRST POINT: If observed carefully, it will be seen that a perfect and intentional order embraces the whole universe. Traces of choice and flashes of purpose are to be seen in every aspect of it. What strikes the eyes through the testimony of their fruits is that in every thing is a light of intention; in every function, a flash of will; in every motion, a gleam of choice; in every composite whole, a blaze of wisdom. Thus, if there was no eternal happiness, this authentic order would merely consist of a weak and futile form. It would be a false order, not a true order. Connections and relations and immaterial things, which are the spirit of order, would be lost and come to nothing. That is to say, what gives order to order is eternal happiness. In which case, the order of the universe points to eternal happiness.

SECOND POINT: Total wisdom is apparent in the universe. Indeed, Divine wisdom, which is the representation of pre-eternal favour, proclaims eternal happiness through the tongue of the observance of benefits and following of purposes demonstrated by the universe in its entirety. Because,

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