The Spirit And The Angels | THE TWENTY NINTH WORD | 43

the enigmatic talisman of the world and the key to the wisdom in the universe. Also, the certain rational proofs contained in the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition, which it lays before the eyes, commanding that they be pondered over are thousands in number. In short, the Qur’an presents for man to study a great many verses and great many telescopes revealing eternal bliss, like,

Say, “He will give them life Who created them in the first instance...,”(14)


Seeing that He has created you in successive stages,(15)

which comprise a comparison or analogy, and,

Nor is your Sustainer ever unjust to His servants,(16)

which points to evidence of justice. We explained in our treatise entitled Nokta (The Point) the substance of the figurative

analogy in,

Seeing that He has created you in successive stages,(17)

(14) Qur’an, 36:79.
(15) Qur’an, 71:14.
(16) Qur’an, 41:46.
(17) Qur’an, 71:14.

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