The Spirit And The Angels | THE TWENTY NINTH WORD | 68

dissolution, change, old age, or decline. For there will be no causes of change, which are the cause of decline.

FOURTH MATTER: This is possible, it will occur. Indeed, after dying, the world will be resurrected as the hereafter. After being destroyed, the One Who made the world will repair and reconstruct it in an even better form, and will convert it into one of the mansions of the hereafter. Just as the proof of this is, foremost, the agreement of the Holy Qur’an together with all its verses comprising thousands of rational proofs and all the revealed scriptures, so do the attributes of the All-Glorious One pertaining to His might and those pertaining to His beauty, and all His Beautiful Names, clearly indicate its occurrence. So too did He promise He would create the resurrection and Great Gathering through all His heavenly decrees which He sent to His prophets. And since He has promised, most certainly shall He bring it about. You may refer to the Eighth Truth of the Tenth Word concerning this matter.

Also, just as foremost Muhammad the Arabian (Peace and blessings be upon him), with the strength of his thousand miracles, and all the prophets and messengers, saints and the righteous agreed on its occurrence and gave news of it, so does the universe together with all its creational signs tell of its occurrence.

In Short: The Tenth Word with all its truths, and the Twenty-Eighth Word with all its proofs in the

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