The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 148

Through the light of God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace), through his training, and through following him, thousands of spiritual poles and purified scholars like Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Gilani have met and spoken with angels and jinn. This fact has reached the degree of ‘consensus’ a hundred times over through innumerable instances.(273) Yes, members of the community of Muhammad (PBUH) being in contact with angels and jinn, and speaking with them, occurs through the miraculous guidance and instruction of the Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace).

T h i r d B r a n c h

The protection and preservation of God’s Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) was a clear miracle, and many instances of it are indicated by the clear truth of the verse,

And God will defend you from men. (274)
For sure, when God’s Messenger appeared, he was not only chal-challenging one group, or one people, or a few rulers, or one religion; he was rather challenging single-handed all kings and the people of all religions. And yet until he died in perfect ease and happiness and rose to the heavenly court, for twenty-three years he was without guard or protector and was exposed to numerous plots, with his own uncle his greatest enemy and his own tribe and people hostile to him. This shows

(273) Ibn Taymiyya, al-Tawassul wa’l-Wasila 24; Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu’ al-Fatawa xi, 307.
(274) Qur’an, 5:70.

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