The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 6
The Miracles of Muhammad (PBUH)

In His Name, be He glorified!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compa-ssionate.

He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it supreme over all religion: and sufficient is God as a Witness. * Muhammad is the Messenger of God... [to the end of the verse] (2)

[Since the Nineteenth and Thirty-First Words concerning the messengership of Muhammad (Upon whom be blessings and peace) prove it with decisive evidence, we assign the verification of that side of the subject to those Words. As a supplement to them we will merely show here, in Nineteen Signs, some of the flashes of that great truth.]


The Possessor and Master of the universe surely does everything with knowledge, disposes every affair with

(2) Qur’an, 48:28-9.

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