The Miracles Of Muhammed | The Miracles of Muhammad | 60

and peace) for food for his household. The Messenger gave him a half load of barley. For a long time he ate of the barley together with his family and guests. They would look and see that it did not finish. So they measured it to see by how much it decreased. After that the blessing of abundance was gone and the barley began to dwindle rapidly. The man went to the Messenger and related what had happened. God’s Messenger replied: “If you had not put it to the test by measuring it, it would have lasted you a life-time.”(102)

E i g h t h E x a m p l e : According to accurate books such as Tirmidhi, Nasa’i, Bayhaqi, and Shifa’ al-Sharif, Samura b. Jundub related that a bowl of meat was brought to the Prophet (PBUH). From morning to evening, many groups of men came and ate from it.(103)

In accordance with the explanation we gave in the introduction to this section, this is not the narration of Samura alone, since Samura narrated this incident on behalf of, and with the approval of, all those present.

N i n t h E x a m p l e : It is also narrated by reli-able and trusted scholars such as the well-known author of Shifa’ al-Sharif, Ibn Abi Shayba, and Tabarani, that

(102) Muslim, Fada’il 3 No: 2281; Bayhaqi, Dala’il al-Nubuwwa vi, 114.
(103) Tirmidhi (Tahqiq: Ahmad Shakir) no: 2629; Abu Da’ud, Muqaddima 9; Musnad v, 12, 18; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak ii, 618.

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