Belief And Man and Devine Determining | The Twentieth Letter | 48

Man’s spirit and heart, which are connected to most of the creatures in the universe and reach the point of being overwhelmed in misery and confusion on account of this connection, find in the phrase ‘He is One’ a refuge and protector that will deliver them from all the confusion and bewilderment.

That is to say, it is as if ‘He is One’ is saying to man: “God is One. Do not wear yourself out having recourse to other things; do not demean yourself and feel indebted to them; do not flatter them and fawn on them and humiliate yourself; do not follow them and make things difficult for yourself; do not fear them and tremble before them; because the Monarch of the universe is One, the key to all things is with Him, the reins of all things are in His hand, everything will be resolved by His command. If you find Him, you will be saved from endless indebtedness, countless fears.”

THE THIRD PHRASE: ُ He has no partner.’

Just as in His Divinity and in His sovereignty He has no partner, God is One and He cannot be many, so too in His dominicality and in His actions and in His creating He has no partner. It sometimes happens that a monarch is one, having no partner in his sovereignty, but in the execution of his affairs his officials act as his partners; they prevent everyone from entering his presence, saying: “Have recourse to us.”

No Voice