Belief And Man and Devine Determining | The Twenty Sixth Word | 73

And give its other hand to the seeking of forgiveness, so that it may be short for evil deeds and will not reach the Zakkum tree of Hell, which is one fruit of that accursed tree. That is, just as supplication and reliance on God greatly strengthen the inclination to do good, so repentance and the seeking of forgiveness cut the inclination to do evil, putting an end to its transgressions.


Belief in Divine Determining is one of the pillars of belief. That is, the belief that “everything is determined by Almighty God.” The certain proofs for Divine Determining are so numerous they cannot be calculated. We shall show in an Introduction, simply and clearly, how strong and broad is this pillar of belief.

I n t r o d u c t i o n :

Numerous verses of the Qur’an, like,

Nor anything fresh or dry [green or withered] but is [inscribed] in a Clear Book,(7)

state clearly that before it comes into existence and after it passes from existence, everything is written. Through its creational signs like the order, bbalance, regularity, adornment, differentiation, and the giving of form,

7. Qur’an, 6:59.

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