Belief And Man and Devine Determining | The Twenty Sixth Word | 89

However, let it not be misunderstood. It means to see one’s impotence, poverty and faults before Almighty God, not to fabricate them or display them to people. The method of this short path is to follow the Practices of the Prophet (PBUH), perform the religious obligations and give up serious sins. And it is especially to perform the prescribed prayers correctly and with attention, and following them to say the tesbihat.

The verse, Therefore, do not justify yourselves,(9) points to the First Step.

The verse, And be not like those who forget God, and He therefore makes them forget their own selves, (10) points to the Second Step.

The verse,

Whatever good happens to you is from God, but whatever evil befalls you is from yourself, (11) points to the Third Step.

The verse, Everything will perish save His countenance, (12) points to the Fourth Step.

A brief explanation of these Four Steps is as follows:

9. Qur’an, 53:32.
10. Qur’an, 59:19.
11. Qur’an, 4:79.
12. Qur’an, 28:88.

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