Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 20

Also, the European nations have advanced the idea of racialism much this century; the ghastly events of the Great War showed how harmful for mankind is negative nationalism, as well as the perpetual and illomened enmity of the French and Germans.

And with us, in the Second Constitutional Period (19081909), like the "many tongues" at the destruction of the Tower of Babel, known as the "ramification of peoples," which resulted in their being divided and scattered various refugee societies known as "Clubs" were formed, chiefly by the Armenians and Greeks, due to the idea of negative nationalism, which were the cause of division. And from that time to now, the state of those who have been devoured by the Europeans due to those Clubs, and of those made wretched by them, has demonstrated the harm of negative nationalism.

And as for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another, arid each is more appressed and more povertystricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism, and to consider one another to be enemies, is such a calamity that it cannot be described.

It is quite simply a lunacy like turning one’s back on dreadful serpents so as not be bitten by a mosquito and struggling with the mosquito due to the idea of nationalism,

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