Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 2

The Islamic Unity is the most important issue which concerns all Muslims in accordance with their degrees and social positions. Because The Islamic Unity is not a political issue only. This Unity starts from the bonds and solidarity between two Muslims due to their brotherhood-in-faith and reaches to the cooperation and mutual assistance among all Muslims throughout the entire Islamic World.

Our Religion, our nation, our countries can only be protected from all kinds of dangers and enemies through the enormous Power which will be generated by the religious brotherhood and solidarity of Muslims and this will serve to the general Global Peace.

That is the reason why the enemies who cannot resist against this material and spiritual Power, try to destroy the Unity and the Solidarity of the Islamic World in order to break this power into parts, using all types of trickery and stratagems.

Therefore, we must stay vigilant against the corruptive incitements of such defeatists and learn the meaning and the contents and the importance of the Islamic Brotherhood which was commanded very

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