Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 4

And its penalty did not help the expiation of sins, but rather made our sins excessive. It is the negligence of the High Politics of Islam and the extensive Social Benefits within the Pilgrimage, which comprehends especially the Unity of Opinions through acquaintanceship, and Cooperation through mutual assistance, that negligence paved the way for Enemies to employ millions of Muslims against Muslims.

Look there ! The Indian killed his Father, supposing him an enemy, and is now wailing sitting next to him...

Look here! The Tatar and the Caucasian understood that the person they helped others to kill was their helpless Mother, when it is too late. They are crying now at her feet.

Look ! The Arab killed his Hero Brother by mistake, and he even cannot cry being perplexed.

Look ! The African killed his brother unknowingly, now he is raising a cry of lament.

Here ! The World of Islam ! They unintentionally and heedlessly helped others to kill their Flag-bearer Son (the Ottoman Turk), now they are tearing out their hair like mothers in sighs and wailings.

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