Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 5

Millions of Muslims have been forced to travel long distances over the World under the enemy flag which is entirely evil, since they did not take a rush departure for the journey of Pilgrimage which is entirely beneficial. (Occurances Improvisations Indications, 52-54)

Hence a great wisdom in Pilgrimage (Hajj) ; it is a kind of Supreme Consultation (Assembly) to be held once a year, in order to protect and perpetuate the independence and security of the World of Islam.


Imam Bediuzzaman (R.A.) tells us that the utmost responsibility of this great duty is upon the shoulders of Ottomans (Turks) and Arabs :

Lawful freedom (Hurriyet -ul Shar’iya) and lawful consultation (Mashwarat- ul Mashruah) have demonstrated the sovereignty of our true nationhood. And the foundation and spirit of our true nationhood is Islam. And in so far as they have carried the standard of the Ottoman caliphate and Turkish army in the name of that nationhood, the two true brothers - Arab and Turk, who are like the shell and citadel of the nationhood of Islam, are the sentries of that sacred citadel.

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