Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 8

If some fearful calamity or a doomsday do not soon erupt, the coming generation shall see this, inshaallah. (The Damascus Sermon, 57)


Imam Bediuzzaman stated that the sole means against Anarchy was the Islamic Unity, in a letter of warning to the Government Officials during the rule of the Democrat Party in Turkey (1950s) :

"Communism, Free-Masonry, Atheism and Irreligion are directly resulting in Anarchism. Against these terrible forces of destruction, only and solely The Islamic Unity surrounding the Truths of the Quran can endure. And It is the Only Way to save this Land from the occupation of Foreigners and this Nation from falling into Anarchy and the means to save the Mankind from these dangers." (Emirdag Letters II, 24)

Congratulating the Feast of His students, Imam Bediuzzaman welcomes the positive developments towards the Islamic Cooperation and Unity after 1950s (Regional Cooperations between Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan and Islamic Conferences of the Heads of States):

"My Dear Truthful Brothers ! We congratulate your Blessed Bairam Feast with all our Souls.

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