Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 10

Islamic Unity and Brotherhood due to the Muslim World feeling an aversion for the Muslim Turkish nation if the Truths of the Quran are not advocated in Turkey instead of European Civilization.:

"The Turkish Nation which rejoiced the World of Islam with its heroism for a thousand years and protected the Unity of Muslims and served as a great means to save the World of Humanity from Absolute Infidelity and Corruption and the Brethren of those who are Turkified !

Should you not stand now as protector of the Quran and the Truths of Belief heroically as in the Old Times and advocate the Truths of the Quran and Belief directly, instead of propagating the (Western) Civilization at the harm of the Religion, I am informing you patriots and I can prove with definitive evidence that :

The World of Islam will show enmity and a dreadful hatred, instead of Love and Brotherhood, towards the Turkish Nation which is its Heroic Brother and the Commander and this Turkish Nation will be defeated by Anarchy (and Terror) covered by Atheism which is now trying to destroy the World of Islam. The citadel and the Glorious Army of the Muslim World, this Turkish Nation will be divided into pieces and will be invaded by the Dreadful Dragon coming out of the North East.

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