Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 11

Yes, indeed this Hero Nation can only endure against the two external dreadful currents with the Strength of the Quran. This Nation -which has been blended and united with the Truth of Islam and found all its Honour in the past within the Circle of Islam- can only stop the Current (Communism ) which is coming forcefully by using the Absolute Infidelity (Atheism), Absolute Despotism, Absolute Dissoluteness and by offering the Wealth of the Honest People to the Vagabond. The patriots and the nationalists of this Nation can stop that Current, inshaAllah, by accepting as the foundational rule and the guiding principle the Truths of the Quran which are like a great artery for that combined united Nationhood.

The Second Current : This one has become succesful to a degree up until now, through a Strategy which involves accusing the Strong Islamic Centrality in this country with Irreligion in order to warm itself to its Colonies in the Muslim World, and thereby to bond them completely; and disconnecting the Spiritual ties of the World of Islam and transforming their brotherhood with this Nation (Turks) into enmity.

If this current acts in reason, it will have much benefits and might keep its great victories to a degree if it changes this dreadful Strategy and flatters the Religion of Islam in this Center just like it flattered the other parts of the Muslim World. And so this Country and this People can escape from a terrible disaster....

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