Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 9

InshaAllah you live long enough to see the Great Feast of the World of Islam too. There are many signs and indications that the Quran Al Hakeem -which is the source of the Holy Constitution of the United Republics of Islam- will rule completely in the Future and will bring a True Feast to the Mankind." (Emirdag Letters II, 76)

"We congratulate ...the Great Feast of Islam on account of that the Islamic Unity -which is starting to develop in Asia and Africa for the moment and making 400 million Muslims brothers to each other and Assistant both materially and spiritually- is under establishment within the newly-formed Islamic States and that the Sacred Laws of the Quran Al Hakeem are becoming the Constitutions of those new Islamic States." (Emirdag Letters II, 101)

"Yes, the ill-treatments and oppressions of those Foreigners like wild beasts, has accelerated the currents of Freedom, Independence and the Islamic Unity in the World of Islam. Consequently they have resulted in the formation of Independent Islamic States. InshaAllahu Taala, the United Republics of Islam will also come into existence and Islam will rule in sovereignty all over the world. We strongly hope and ask this from the Divine Mercy." (Conference, 54)

In a letter he wrote in 1945, Imam Bediuzzaman warned against the great dangers and harms to the

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