Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 12

...Besides, a Muslim cannot be compared to the people of the other nations (religions). If he gives up his Religion, he would become an Anarchist. He would not accept to live under any restriction or law. He cannot be administered by any educational or supervisional methods but absolute despotism and total bribery." (Emirdag Letters I, 218-219)


Therefore, we , through Risaale-i Noor (The Treatises of Light), have been struggling to ward off the two greatest dangers of this country and its future and in fact we have achieved this partly and proven this with many evidences at the Court :

The first danger: Anarchy which is trying to enter into this country forcefully from abroad. We build a wall before this.

The second one: The hatred of the 350 million Muslims. Our duty is to turn this hatred into Brotherhood and thereby to ensure the greatest point of support for this Country. (Emirdag Letters I, 128)

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