Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 15

And there is a meaning in Power as if the brotherhood of the four hundred million brothers and the path of the billions of our ancestors have not been considered seriously....They give bribes in the form of high salaries (to the state officials) thinking that thereby they are obliged to obtain Strength so that the security and their policies would not be harmed, through so much wasteful expenditure without considering the poverty of the nation.

The present Politicians in this Country must certainly and definitely give a very big gift and a harmless bribe to the four hundred million brothers who are equivalent to the future United Republics of the Islamic World, for the benefits of the Country and the nation and this Muslim State, a bribe ten times as much as the political and moral bribe they gave to the West and the Foreigners.

And that bribe which is acceptable, necessary, very beneficial, lawful and obligatory, is : to take as the Guiding Principle and the Code of Laws of the following :

Indeed the believers are brothers. (Quran 49-10)

And hold fast all together to the bond of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves...(Q 3-103)

Every soul is accountable for itself, no bearer of a burden bears the burden of another..(Q 6-164)

Do not engage in disputes with one another, lest you lose courage and become insignificant and your Power depart...(Q 8-46)

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