Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 3

seriously by our Religion and we must display zeal to act in accordance with this Brotherhood.

The following verse of the Quran is attracting our attention to the fact that great mischiefs and disasters will happen if mutual assistance and solidarity amongst the Muslims are not achieved. :

"And the unbelievers are allies (protectors) of each other. Unless you do this (protect each other), there would be Tumult and Oppression on Earth, and great Mischief." (Quran, 8:73)

The Religion of Islam has brought important duties and rules which result in Mutual Assistance. For example, the Pilgrimage (Hajj) is of utmost importance for developing the Spirit of Mutual Assistance and the Unity of Muslims.


A truthful dream (Ru’ya as-Saadiqa) of Al-Ustaz Imam Bediuzzaman gave good-news for the consequences of the First World War, but came to silence about the Pilgrimage regretfully instead of good news. Imam Bediuzzaman mentions about the Silence of the Dream as follows:

"The dream came to silence at the Pilgrimage. Because, the negligence of the Pilgrimage and the Wisdom in it has attracted , not the calamity, but the (Divine) Wrath and Compulsion (Qahr).

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