Islamic Union | The Islamic Unity | 57

The Answer: Those who consider this to be a possibility are themselves perturbed. For it is refuted by the Europeans praising Islam in lectures (by Bismarck, Carlyle and others) and describing its elevatedness, in the very centers of their bigotry.

Also it is not they who are our enemies...What has in reality brought us this low is our opposition to the Sharia, as a result of ignorance, thus preventing us from upholding the Word of Allah...and poverty and its fruits of immorality and bad conduct...and conflict and its products of strife and hatred;...the attacks of our Union are directed at these three enemies.

In the Middle Ages, Islam was compelled to be bigoted and hostile in the face of the Europeans’ savagery, but it nevertheless maintained its justice and moderation. It never instituted Inquisitions and such like. In this time of modern civilization, the Europeans are civilized and powerful...and harmful hostility and bigotry have therefore disappeared.

For inrespect of Religion, the civilized are to be conquered through Persuasion, not through Force, and through showing by conforming to its commands in actions and conduct that Islam is elevated and lovable.

Force and Enmity are only to combat the barbarity of savages.

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