Sincerity and Brotherhood | Conclusion | 69

Concerning Backbiting

In his Name, be He glorified!

And there is nothing but it glorifies Him with praise.

In the Fifth Point of the First Ray of the First Light of the Twenty-Fifth Word, a single Qur’anic verse having the effect of discouraging and restraining was shown to induce repugnance at backbiting in six miraculous ways. It was shown too how abominable a thing is backbiting in the view of the Qur’an, and that there is therefore no need for any further explanation of the subject. Indeed, after the Qur’an has made its declaration, there is neither the possibility nor the need for anything further.

The Qur’an reproaches the backbiter with six reproaches in the verse:

Would any among you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?(21)

and forbids him to commit this sin with six degrees of severity.

(21) Qur’an,49:12
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