Sincerity and Brotherhood | The Twenty First Flash | 26
The Twenty-First Flash

On Sincerity

[Although originally the Fourth of the Seven Matters of the Seventeenth Note of the Seventeenth Flash, because of its connection with sincerity, it became the Second Point of the Twentieth Flash. Finally, due to its luminous character, it was included in the Flashes as the Twenty-First Flash.]

This Flash should be read at least once a fortnight

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Do not fall into dispute, lest you lose heart and your power depart.(1) * And stand before God in a devout [frame of mind].(2) * Truly he succeeds that purifies it, * And he fails that corrupts it.(3) * Nor sell my signs for a small price.(4)

1. Qur’an, 8:46.
2. Qur’an, 2:238.
3. Qur’an, 91:9-10.
4. Qur’an, 2:41 etc.

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