Sincerity and Brotherhood | The Twenty First Flash | 28

We shall manifest the severe threat contained in the Divine prohibition,

Nor sell my signs for a small price,(5)

and destroy sincerity, thus harming eternal happiness for the sake of meaningless, unnecessary, harmful, sad, self centred, tedious, hypocritical base feelings and insignificant benefits. And in so doing we would violate all our brothers’ rights, transgress against the duty of service to the Qur’an, and be disrespectful towards the sacredness of the truths of belief.

My brothers! There are many obstacles before great works of good. Satans put up a powerful struggle against those who assist those works. One has to rely on the strength of sincerity in the face of these obstacles and satans. You should avoid things which harm sincerity the same as you avoid snakes and scorpions. In accordance with the words of Joseph (Upon whom be peace),

Nor do I absolve my own self [of blame]; the [human] soul is certainly prone to evil, unless my Sustainer do bestow His mercy,(6)

the evil commanding soul should not be relied on. Do not let egotism and the soul deceive you! You should take as your guide the following rules, in order to gain sincerity and preserve it:

5. Qur’an, 2:41, etc.
6. Qur’an, 12:53.
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