Man And the Universe | The Thirtieth Word | 44

Indeed, the transformations of particles are the motion and meaningful vibrations that proceed according to the dictation and principles of the ‘Clear Record,’ which is a title of Divine knowledge and command and is the arrangement of the past origin and future progeny of everything in the World of the Unseen. They proceed by means of transcription from the ‘Clear Book,’ which is a title for Divine power and will and is formed of present time and the Manifest World and consists of the free disposal of that power and will in the creation of things. Thus, this motion and meaningful vibration proceed from the writing and drawing of the words of power in the ‘Tablet of Effacement and Reaffirmation,’ which is a metaphorical page, and the reality of the stream of time. 1

1- This footnote is an explanation of the long sentence [here, a paragraph] defining the transformations of minute particles, which is the subject of the Second Aim.
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