Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 82

Thus, the most particular and insignificant action demonstrates in two respects that it is peculiar to the Creator of all things.

The most remarkable and surprising thing is this: the Necessarily Existent One possesses ‘necessity,’ which is the firmest level of existence; ‘absolute isolation from matter,’ which is the most immutable degree of existence; ‘absolute freedom from space,’ which is the state of existence furthest from cessation; and ‘unity,’ which is the soundest quality of existence and the one remotest from change and non-existence. And yet they attribute pre-eternity and everlastingness, which are the Necessarily Existent One’s most particular qualities and are necessary and essential to Him, to things like ether and particles, which are matter that is material, unbounded and numerous, is the least stable level of existence and the least tangible, the most changing and the most varying and the most dispersed through space; they ascribe pre-eternity to them and fancy them to be pre-eternal; and some of them even suppose that it is out of them that the Divine works arise. It has been demonstrated through cogent arguments in numerous places in the Risale-i Nur how contrary to truth and reality, how unreasonable and absurd, is this idea.

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