Man And the Universe | Thirtieth Flash | 87

Then, through Divine favour, I discovered one important instance of wisdom in the fact that beings, and in particular animate beings, come to the place of instruction that is this world. It was as follows: each being, and especially if it is animate, is an extremely meaningful word, missive, dominical ode and Divine proclamation. After it has been studied by all conscious beings and has stated its meaning to innumerable readers, its corporeal form, which is like a letter or a word, disappears.

For about a year this instance of wisdom was sufficient for me. Then the truly wonderful and subtle miracles of art to be found in creatures, and in particular in animate beings, were disclosed. I understood that these subtleties of art which are so fine and wonderful are not only to set forth meanings for the gazes of conscious beings. For although innumerable conscious creatures may study each being, their studying is both limited, furthermore all of them may be unable to penetrate all the subtleties of art in those animate creatures. That is to say, the most important result of the creation of animate beings and the most significant purpose of their natures is to present to the Pre-Eternal Self-Subsistent One’s own gaze the marvels of His art and the compassionate gifts and bounties that He has bestowed.

As for this purpose, it contented me for a long time and from it I understood the following: the wisdom and purpose of creation, which is to present the endless subtleties of art in beings,

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