Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 105

Volkan, which appeared on 28 Tesrin-i Sani 1324/11 December 1908, Vahdeti used it to answer the attacks on the Seriat and Islamic traditions and morality made by the newspapers supporting the CUP. As Vahdeti himself put it, the Volkan: was "very small but active", "moderation" was its "way" "however, when truth and right are attacked, it is not possible for the Volkan not to erupt." Nevertheless, it supported the Constitution and the rule of law, and its aim was to promote the interests of Muslims, and to further the cause of Islam and the Qur'an in the face of the daily increasing despotism and unlawfulness of the CUP and their supporters.

The apprehension expressed by Bediuzzaman on hearing that "certain people" had founded a society called the Society For Muslim Unity mentioned above refers to his anxiety that a society bearing the name of the Prophet Muhammed  PBUH should become involved in politics or be limited to one group, rather than referring to Dervis Vahdeti. Nevertheless, however much he shared the views expressed by the newspaper, it is probably fair to say that he wished Dervis Vahdeti to adhere to the moderation which was its way. For Bediuzzaman was severely critical of the divisive role of the press in that period and on several occasions published articles pointing out how the newspapers should conduct themselves. At the end of two long articles of the fifteen of his that appeared in the Volkan, Bediuzzaman wrote a brief reminder to Vahdeti advising him of his responsibility to act moderately as Islam requires:

"My Brother, Dervis Vahdeti Bey!

"Writers should be mannerly. And their manners should be moulded by the manners of Islam. Let the sense of religion in the conscience order the Press Regulations, for this Islamic revolution has shown that what rules in all consciences is Islamic zeal, the light of lights. Also, it has been understood that the Society For Muslim Unity includes all the people of Islam. There is no one outside it."

Articles written by Bediuzzaman appeared in most of the leading newspapers of the day, including Tanin, Ikdam, Serbesti,

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