Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 103

In these articles Bediuzzaman is explaining in greater detail the aims of the Society For Muslim Unity as they appeared in the Society's Manifesto and Code of Rules. In addition, the Manifesto pointed out that at that time socials and parties of every shade and variety had been organized in different parts of the world, and stated that just as it was not injurious for a Muslim not to belong to the Society, so also belonging to it did not form an obstacle to belonging to other societies, whether religious or political. Societies were necessary, because "the desired fruits can never be plucked from Constitutionalism without parties and societies." The Society recognized ("does not even look askance at") the fact that under the Constitution all citizens, that is non-Muslims as well as Muslims, were equal before the law. Furthermore, the Manifesto was at pains to point out that all its activities, and the activities it aimed to promote among Muslims, were to be within the law.

• The Mevlid in Aya Sophia

That a Mevlid was being organized by the Society in Aya Sophia to coincide with the Prophet’s birthday was announced in the Volkan on 18 Mart , 1325/31 March, 1909. It stated that the Society "had entered a new era of tranquillity and progress having successfully surmounted all the attacks to which it had been subject, and the crises arising from those attacks." "The Mevlid was to be "a gift to Muhammed (PBUH)'s pure and unstained spirit.”

The news of the Mevlid evoked a tremendous response among the population of Istanbul, and something in the region of one hundred thousand people gathered on the specified day. Never before had there been such a throng in the area surrounding Aya Sophia. However, despite the numbers, no unto ward incidents occurred either before or after the Mevlid, and the whole occasion was most orderly; "a display of Islamic brotherhood and decorum." Dervis Vahdeti described Bediuzzaman's arrival and address as follows:

"Round about ten o'clock Bediuzzaman Said Kurdi Hazretleri arrived at the head of the Society for Students of the Religious

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