Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 101

aims were the same, so too I joined this blessed name. However, I define the Society For Muslim Unity I belong to as follows:

"It is a circle bound with a luminous chain stretching from east to west , and from north to south. Those within it number more than three hundred million at this time. The point of unity of this Society and what binds it is Divine Unity. It oath and its promise is belief in God. Its members are all believers, belonging from the time of God's covenant with man. Its register is the Preserved Tablet. The Society’s means of communication are all Islamic books. Its daily newspapers, all religious newspapers whose aim is `upholding the Word of God'. Its clubs and councils are the mosques, religious schools, and Sufi tekkes. Its centre is the two sacred cities [Mecca and Medina]. Its head, the Glory of the World [the Prophet Muhammed]. Its way is the struggle of the each person with his own soul; that is, to assume the morality of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), to give new vigour to his practices, and to cultivate love for others and, if it is not harmful, offer them advice. The regulations of this Society are the Practices of the Prophet, and its code of laws, the injunctions and prohibitions of the Seriat. Its swords are clear proofs, for the civilized are to be conquered through persuasion, not compulsion. Investigating the truth is with love, while enmity is for savagery and bigotry. Its aim and purpose is `Upholding the Word of God'. And ninety-nine per cent of the Seriat is concerned with morality, worship, the Hereafter, and virtue. One per cent is concerned with politics; let our rulers think of that."

Bediuzzaman then continued: "Our aim now is to urge everyone towards the ka'ba of achievement and perfections on the way of progress with an eagerness and desire of the conscience through making that luminous chain vibrate. Because at this time the greatest cause of upholding the Word of God is through material progress.

"Thus, I am a member of this Society. I am one of those working for this Society's manifestation. I do not belong to the parties and groups which cause dissension."

Bediuzzaman, then, was firstly concerned to prevent a society bearing the name of the Prophet (PBUH) being appropriated by any

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