Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 100

involvement with the ittihad-i Muhammedi Cemiyeti or Society For Muslim Unity, which was accused of inciting the revolt. In any event, not only was he acquitted, and in one hearing, but a ruling of non-responsibility was also given. His defiance speech, which was also instrumental in forty to fifty other prisoners being released, was published in 1911 entitled The Testimonial of Two Schools of Misfortune or The Court Martial.

• The Society For Muslim Unity

The Society For Muslim Unity had been founded on 5 February , 1909, though the full versions of its manifesto and code of rules did not appear in the Volkan newspaper until 16 March, 1909. The ceremony to mark its founding took the form of a Mevlid and was held at the later, date of 3 April, to coincide with the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)'s birthday (12 Rebiulevvel 1327). Bediuzzaman played a prominent role in the Mevlid, which was held in Aya Sophia, giving a sermon that lasted two hours. But before describing it, let us lern from Bediuzzaman's address to the Court Martial his reasons for joining the Society, and how he viewed it.

"I heard," said Bediuzzaman, "that a society had been formed called the Society For Muslim Unity  ittihad-i Muhammedi . I was frightened to the utmost degree that certain people would act in error under this blessed name. Then I heard that some sound people like Suheyl Pasa and Seyh Sadik had joined so as to make their actions more purely worship and follow the Exalted Sunna of the Prophet. They had transferred from that political society [CUP] and cut their relations with it, and they were not going to interfere in polities. But again I was afraid, I said: `This name is the right of everyone, it cannot be appropriated or restricted.' As for me, just as I belonged' in some respect to seven societies because I saw that their

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