Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 98

Government and expending it outwardly, they would make themselves worthy of justice, and in return for it would demand justice and their rights from the Government. "...The Turks are our intelligence, and we are their strength, together we make a whole person. We shall not resist them, nor rebel against them. With this resolution of ours; we shall be a good example. to the other minority peoples [elements] of the Empire... If we obeyed [the Government) `to the degree of one batman' during the time of despotism, now ten batman s worth' of obedience and unity are necessary. For we shall see only benefits, because the Constitutional Government is in truth government based on the Seriat... In unity lies strength; in union, life; in brotherhood, happiness; in obedience to the Government, well-being. It is vital to hold fast to the strong rope of unity and bond of love."

A further occasion Bediuzzaman calmed a tense situation was at a mass protest organized by the medrese students in Beyazid in Istanbul in February 1909. Traditionally, students of the religious schools were exempt from military service of any kind, but following the proclamation of the Constitution, the Government had decided to introduce an examination on the pretext that the privilege was being abused. Students who passed the examination were to be exempt from military service, while for those who failed it military service would be compulsory. The student had organized the meeting ostensibly to protest at the very short time they had been given to prepare for the examination.

The meeting was becoming fairly turbulent by the time Bediuzzaman reached it. Well-known to the students, he addressed them explaining the authentic relationship between the Seriat and constitutionalism and pointing out that despotism could in no way be associated with the Seriat. In a short time he calmed the situation and prevented any serious disturbance occurring.
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