Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 131

philosopher is compelled to submit to it..."

Bediuzzaman concludes the First Aspect of his argument by quoting a few short passages from the 19 th century Scottish philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, and from the famous Prussian, Prince Bismarck (1815-1898). They testify to the truth of Islam and the Qur'an's being the revealed word of God. On the strength of their testimony, Bediuzzaman repeated the prediction he had made previously to Seyh Bahid in Istanbul:

"Europe and America are pregnant with Islam. One day, they will give birth to an Islamic state. Just as the Ottomans were pregnant with Europe and gave birth to a European state." He then concluded:

"O my brothers who are here in the Umayyad Mosque and those who are in the mosque of the world of Islam half a century later! Do the introductory remarks, that is, those made up to here, not point to the conclusion that it is only Islam that will provide true, and moral and spiritual rule in the future, and will urge mankind to happiness in this world and the Hereafter? And that true Christianity, stripping off superstition and corrupted belief, will be transformed into Islam; following the Qur'an, it will unite with Islam?"

The Second Aspect of Bediuzzaman's argument "offers strong proofs for Islam's material progress and supremacy in the future." These proofs he describes in the form of "five extremely powerful, unbreakable Strengths", which having "blended and fused", "are established in the heart of the Islamic world's `collective personality'." But before describing them he makes the very important and interesting point that the Qur'an instructs man in progress and urges him towards it. By mentioning the miracles of the prophets, he says, "the Qur’an is informing mankind that events similar to those miracles will come into existence in the future through progress and is urging them to achieve them, saying: `Come on, work! Show examples of these miracles! Like the Prophet Solomon (PUH), cover a Journey of two months in a day! Like the Prophet Jesus (PUH), work to discover the cure for the most frightful diseases!.. "', and cites further miracles as examples.

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