Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 132

Of the Five Strengths, the first is "reality of Islam", the second is "an intense need, which is the real master of civilization and industry" together with "utter, back-breaking poverty", while the third is "the Freedom which is in accordance with the Seriat'. The fourth Strength is the "courage" or "valour of belief', and the fifth, "the pride of Islam, which proclaims and upholds the Word of God." And, as we have seen, "in this age, proclaiming the Word of God is contingent on material progress."

Bediuzzaman then infers that it was because in the drive for modernization so far pursued in the Ottoman Empire it was not the beneficial aspects of civilization that had been taken but its "evils and iniquities" which had been "imitated", that the empire had been reduced to the state of defeat it was then in. And it was also because the iniquities of civilization had prevailed over its benefits that mankind had suffered the bloody and calamitous wars of this century. "God willing," said Bediuzzaman, "through the strength of Islam in the future, the virtues of civilization will predominate, the face of the earth will be cleansed of filth, and universal peace be secured."

Continuing, he says: "Powerful indications and means" to the future supremacy of Asian civilization are the facts that European civilization is founded on the negative virtues of "lust and passion, rivalry and oppression," rather than virtue and guidance, that its evils have predominated over its virtues, and that "it has been infiltrated by revolutionary societies like a worm-eaten tree."

And so. Bediuzzaman asks his audience: "How is it that while there are such powerful and unshakable ways and means for the material and moral progress for the believers and people of Islam, and the road to future happiness has been opened up like a railway, you despair and fall into hopelessness in the face of the future and destroy the morale of the Islamic world?... Since the inclination to seek perfection has been included in man's essential nature, ... in the future truth and equity will show the way to a worldly happiness in the world of Islam, God willing, in which there will be atonement for the former errors of mankind.

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