Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 136

rule in half the globe... If some fearful calamity does not soon erupt, the coming generation shall see it, God willing."

However, Bediuzzaman immediately continues: "Beware, my brothers! Do not fancy or imagine that I am urging you with these words to busy yourselves with politics. God forbid! The truth of Islam is above all politics. All politics may serve it, but no politics can make Islam a tool for itself."

And then: "With my faulty understanding, I imagine Islamic society at this time in the form of a factory containing many wheels and machines. Should one wheel fall behind or encroach on another wheel, which is its fellow, the machine's mechanism ceases to function. Thus, the exact time for Islamic unity is beginning. It necessitates not paying attention to one anther’s faults."

That is to say, Bediuzzaman is saying that Islamic supremacy will be won through the material and technological progress achieved through the unity and co-operation of all the different components, that is, the groups and peoples, that make up the Islamic world.

As we saw when looking at Bediuzzaman's Debates with the Kurdish tribes, he considered that the Europeans had taken from the Muslims some of their high moral values and made them the means of their progress, while giving them their own corrupt morals in return. The willingness to sacrifice everything, even one's life, for one's nation was among these. Bediuzzaman says it was "the firmest foundation in their progress." He then points out that through the idea of nationhood, "an individual becomes as valuable as a nation. For a person's value is relative to his endeavor. If a person's endeavor is his nation, that person forms a miniature nation on his own." Whereas, "Because of the heedlessness of some of us and the Europeans' damaging characteristics that we have acquired, and, despite our strong and sacred Islamic nationhood, through everyone saying: `Me! Me!', and considering personal benefits and not the nation's benefits, a thousand men have fallen to become like one man."

The Sixth Word, or sixth constituent of the cure Bediuzzaman is

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