Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 25
this, Said said:
"Something that has no basis does not spread among the people so quickly. The fault was mine, and I suffered two punishments: one was God's reprimand, the other insinuations against me by the people. The true reason for this was as follows: I gave up the prayers I was in the habit of reciting at night. If the world's spirit perceived this fact, it made them describe it wrongly, because they did not grasp the matter entirely."
While in Sirvan, someone came to him from the Siirt area saying that a fifteen year old youth had silenced in argument all the ulema of the region and that he had come in order to invite Molla Said to come and challenge this youth to a debate. Molla Said responded favourably to this request, made some preparations for the journey, and they set out together. After some two hours on the road, Said asked the description of this youth, his dress, behaviour, and such matters. The man from Siirt said:
"I do not know his name, but when he first arrived he was wearing the dress of a dervish with a sheepskin over his shoulders. Then later he put on student's dress and silenced in argument all the learned men of Siirt."
On listening to this, Said realized that the man was talking about himself and that news of the events of the previous year had now spread round all the surrounding villages. He turned back the way they had come and did not accept the invitation.
· Tillo
After some time, Molla Said went to the town of Tillo, in the district of Siirt. Outside the town on a hill stands a small domed building of stone. Said confined himself in this Kubbe-i Hasiye as it was known, and there memorized an Arabic lexicon, the Kamusu'l-Okyanus, as far as the fourteenth letter of the alphabet, Sin.
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