Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 28
is it beyond your power to throw me into the river. But on my answering them, I want one thing from you, and that is a Mauser rifle. And if you do not stick to your word, I shall kill you with it!"
After this exchange had taken place, they mounted their horses and rode down to Cizre from the high grazing grounds. Mustafa Pasa would in no way speak to Molla Said on the way. When they came to the place known as Bani Han on the banks of the Tigris, Said slept, entirely confident about his forthcoming trial. When he awoke, he saw that the scholars of the area had foregathered and were waiting books in hand. After introductions, tea was served. These ulema had heard of the Famous Molla Said, and as they prepared their questions in a state of some trepidation, Said drank not only his own tea, but some of their's as well. Mustafa Pasa noticed this and informed the scholars he was of the opinion that they would be defeated.
Molla Said told the Cizre scholars that he had taken a vow and asked no '' questions of anyone, but that he was ready for theirs. Whereupon they presented him with about forty Questions, all of which Said answered satisfactorily. Except for one, which they did not realize was incorrect, and accepted. As the gathering was dispersing, Molla Said recalled this, and hurried back to inform them and give the correct answer. Upon which they admitted that they were well and truly defeated, and a number of them started to study under Molla Said. Mustafa Pasa also presented him with the promised rifle and began to perform the obligatory prayers.
Molla Said was physically fit and strong, just as he was intellectually. He particularly enjoyed wrestling, and used to wrestle with all the students in the medreses. And neither were they able to better him at it.
One day, he and Mustafa Pasa went out to race each other on horseback. Mustafa Pasa had ordered that an unbroken, uncontrollable horse be prepared, which he gave to Molla Said to ride. Molla Said wanted to gallop the rebellious horse after walking it round for a bit. Given some rein, the horse galloped off, away from the direction it had been pointed. Said tried to stop it with all his
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