Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 60
Commander-in-Chief [of the Army] had asked the Muslim ulema a number of questions conceming religion. The Istanbul ulema asked me about them. And they questioned me about many things in connection with them..."
And finally, an anecdote from Haci Hafiz Efendi, who used also to be present in the discussions held in the Fatih Medrese at that time of lively and vital debate. It was recorded by Necmeddin Sahiner exactly as related by Haci Hafiz's son, Visali Bey, from his father’s memoirs.
"One day, some ulema were debating a subject in the courtyard of Fatih Mosque, but they could in no way convince one another and solve the question.The subjeect did not become clear and evident at all. The debate continued. At that point, Bediuzzaman appeared dressed in simple and humble clothes, with a shawl, and furcap on his head. I recognized him and knew of his knowledge on scholarly matters, so I observed the situation, and listened.
"Bediuzzaman said to the scholars: `What is this matter you are discussing? May I know? Would you please tell me?'
"Seeing his humble dress, the scholars replied: `See here, shepherd efendi! You would not understand these matters. Off with you, and attend to your own business!'
"Bediuzzaman was not the least offended at this. He learnt what the matter was, then explained and solved it so beautifully with verses from the Qur'an and Hadiths that everyone's mouths dropped open in amazement. All those religious scholars were completely convinced of the subject. He explained the verses so masterfully that it was as though he had been at the Prnphet (PBUH)'s side when they had been revealed. And the scholars declared: `Your years are few, but your knowledge is great. Allow us to kiss your hand.'
"Bediuzzaman replied: `There is need for that', and took his leave in a most modest and unobtrusive manner."
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