Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 68
"Despotism has no place in Islam. To give a ruling on a person is the right only of courts acting openly and within the justice of the Seriat. These rulings may not be given according to reports made by persons of unknown identity, which throw no light on their true faces and conceal their intrigues..."
The Seyhu’l-Islam, Cemaleddin Efendi, who was present, later told his son, Muhtar Bey: "Until today, I have never encountered anyone who voiced his opinions in the Sovereign's presence with such boldness." This boldness, however, only led Bediuzzaman to be brought up before the Yildiz Palace Court Martial. And the unhappy consequences of Bediuzzaman's audience with Sultan Abdulhamid were not restricted to the court martial, for he was to be sentenced by it to a term in Topkapi Mental Hospital in Uskudar. The judges in the court were at a loss as to how to deal with this case, and the mental hospital was the solution they came up with. "To which Tatar tribe do you belong? I am an Ottoman. My being Kurdish is only on account of the name given to the people of the place where I was born and grew up." And he went on to repeat what he had said to the Sultan. On hearing this, the Public Prosecutor, Sururi Efendi, asked him:
"How can you say such insulting words about His Imperial Majesty the Sultan?" Bediuzzaman replied:
"I said the same things to the Caliph himself. If you do not believe me, go and ask him?"
In the face of all this, the judges were worried that if Bediuzzaman was exiled to Fezzan, Tripoli, or Yemen, as was the usual sentence, he would continue to spread his ideas. So, in order to be rid of him, on the recommendation of Zuluflu Ismail Pasa, the Inspector of Military Schools, they got five doctors, two Jewish, one Greek, one Armenian, and one Turkish to draw up of report saying that Bediuzzaman was not in his right mind, and then sent him to Toptasi Mental Hospital.
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