Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 82

everyone being guaranteed work, and receiving fair recompense for their labour. And the fifth door is "the giving. up of dissipation", which is understood as the giving up of ostentation and extravagance, both on an individual level and as a society, which cause discord, and were a malaise afflicting state officials in particular at that time.
Bediuzzaman points out the harmful effects of the vice and immorality that result from despotism, material as well as moral, while "The voice of Freedom and justice... raises to life our emotions, hopes, exalted national aspirations, and fine Islamic character and morality, all of which were dead."
After immediately wharning against killing these again "through dissipation and carelessness in religion", Bediuzzaman predicts that unity, adherence to Islamic morality together with the successful functioning of the constitutional government and genuine practice of the Islamic principle of consultation will result in the Ottoman nation soon "competing neck and neck with the civilized nations." The metaphors for progress Bediuzzaman uses in the passage demonstrate his own belief in science and technology.
Bediuzzaman lays great stress on the need to adhere to Islamic morality for true progress and civilization to be achieved, and next voices his constant fear that if Freedom is understood as license, it will be lost and will result in a return to despotism, "for Freedom flourishes and is realized through the observance of the ordinances and conduct of the Seriat, and good morals."
Bediuzzaman next warns against acquiring "the sins and evils of civilization" and abandoning its virtues. The Ottomans should imitate the Japanese in taking from Western civilization what will assist them in progress, while preserving their own national customs:
"We shall take with pleasure the points of Europe-like technology and industry - that will assist us in progress and civilization. However,.... we shall forbid the sins and evils of civilization from entering the bounds of Freedom and our civilization with the sword of the Seriat, so that the young people in our

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