Biography of Bediüzzaman Said Nursi | PART ONE - The Old Said | 85

Constitutionalism, on ther hand, is "the manifestation of the Qur'anic verses `And consult them in affairs  of public concern and `Whose rule in consultation among themselves' It is the consultation enjoined by the Seriat. This luminous body's life is truth, in place of force. Its heart is knowledge, its tongue, love. Its mind is the law, not an individual Indeed, constitutionalism is the sovereignty of the nation..." And again, "...the real meaning of constitutionalism is that power lies in the law..."

On another occasion Bediuzzaman stated: "I expounded and commented in detail on the authentic connection between the Seriat and constitutionalism in numerous speeches. And I explained That tyrannous despotism has no connection with The Seriat. For according to the meaning of the Hadith, `A nation's ruler is its servant', the Seriat came to the world in order to extirpate oppression and despotic tyranny... And I said that essentially, the true way of the ,Seriat is the reality of constitutionalism in accordance with the Seriat. That is to say, I accepted constitutionalism on proofs from the Seriat..."
"...I claimed that it is possible to deduce the truths of constitutionalism explicitly, implicitly, permissibly, from the Four Schools of Islamic Law."
A further argument was: "The consensus of the community constitutes a certain proof in the Seriat. The opinion of the mass of the people forms a fundamental principle in the Seriat. The public wish is esteemed and re- specked in the Seriat.”
On the question, "Some people say [constitutionalism is contrary to the Seriat?" being put to him, Bediuzzaman replied: "The spirit of constitution alism is from the Seriat. And its life is from it. But under force of circumstance it may be that some details fall temporarily contrary to it. Also, it is not necessary for all

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